November 2017 LSI Staff Update

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We are very pleased to welcome Panos Deloukas, Professor of Cardiovascular Genomics at the William Harvey Research Institute (WHRI), who is our new Dean for Life Sciences. He will play a key role in the next stage of the development of this major initiative.

We are planning to hold a Life Sciences Initiative (LSI) symposium in April 2018. Our website and Twitter feed will have further information on this in due course.

If you have any queries about the news within this update, or you want to find out more about the LSI, please contact us at

Best wishes,


Professor Bill Spence
Life Sciences Initiative Interim Director and Vice-Principal (Research)


It’s been a busy season of open days, applications and clearing. Learn about the progress of the life sciences programmes here.

Postgraduate research (PGR) and researcher development

Earlier this year, LSI supervisors and their PhD students were asked what additional support and training they could benefit from. The common themes that emerged were communication, networking and presentation skills. Since then, we have been creating opportunities to practice these vital skills. Click here to learn about new opportunities available to post docs and PhD students.

LSI studentships

LSI 2017 PhD cohort

We are pleased to welcome our 2017 cohort of PhD students who will be working with our research centres. Learn more them and their projects here.

LSI studentships 2018 – call for projects now open

The LSI invites applications for PhD projects that fit within the research centre themes: bioengineering, computational biology, genomic health, and mind in society. Each award will support a three-year PhD studentship with a stipend and research consumables budget, and home/EU fees will be waived. Click here for more information and how to apply. The closing date for project applications is Wednesday 20 December.

Upcoming funding calls and other opportunities

The LSI research centres offer many funding opportunities throughout the year, find out more here. These include the Centre for Genomic Health's bioresource grant and travel award with Genomic England, and the Centre for Computational Biology's showcase award.

LSI events

The popular Institute of Bioengineering (IoB) seminar series began again in September. For news on the latest seminar, keep an eye on the IoB events page.

Details of all forthcoming LSI events can be found here. Read about our past events here.

Other news

CiTI launch symposium

QMUL's Centre for inflammation and Therapeutic Innovation (CiTI) held a one-day launch symposium on Wednesday 1 November to showcase the breadth and quality of its research. CiTI is a multi-disciplinary translational research hub aimed at exploring, developing and testing innovative strategies for the clinical management of chronic diseases.

Philips visit

As part of our life sciences development, in October we hosted a visit from Dr Richard Vdovjak, Philips' Principal Scientist (Data Science and Artificial Intelligence) based at their High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Philips is interested in our expertise in artificial intelligence and data science, and their applications, including to healthcare.

IBM visit

We hosted the second visit from IBM computer scientists, who met QMUL researchers to share and present their research findings to help foster future research collaborations.


You may have seen the new hoardings that have been put up around the Royal London Hospital on Whitechapel Road. Look out for them the next time you’re passing by, and learn more about the stories they tell here.

Revamped LSI QMplus landing page

The LSI QMplus landing page has been revamped. Check out the new look here and learn more about the LSI team, research centres, events and resources.

LSI Image Awards 2018

Plans for next year’s Image Awards are already underway, and we are looking to expand the awards to include submissions from schools around Tower Hamlets as well as continuing to provide an artistic and rewarding outlet for the QMUL staff, researcher and student community. Recap on this year’s Image Awards here.

Social media

Follow the LSI on Facebook and Twitter to receive updates on all our news and events.

Image in heading banner courtesy of Kseniya Shuturminska